The University of Strathclyde successfully hosted the 1st BASM-WEC workshop from March 22nd to 23rd, 2023, with the aim of establishing a network in the field of flexible Wave Energy Converters (WECs) within the UK and internationally. The workshop provided a platform for researchers and industrial participants to share their latest achievements and experience. Eighteen scholars and experts from different countries attended the two-day workshop, providing an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about important innovations and developments. On the first day, ten presentations were delivered, focusing on the development, manufacturing and characterisation of flexible materials and the hydroelasticity of flexible wave energy devices. On the second day, participants visited KHL and relevant tests, including dry tests on newly developed structured flexible membranes and the flexible Oscillating Water Column (OWC) WEC in the wave tank.
The research results of the BASM-WEC project brought new ideas and solutions to address challenges in WEC design and manufacturing, thereby promoting the development of wave energy conversion technology. As such, the BASM-WEC workshop marked a significant step forward in the advancement of sustainable energy technologies.