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Journal papers

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Idarraga Guillermo, Yang Liu, Abad Farhad, Huang Yang, Dai Saishuai, Xiao Qing, Lotfian Saeid, Brennan Feargal,  ‘Hyperelastic behaviour of elastomers for wave energy applications’, Ocean Engineering, 2024. Abad Farhad, Lotfian Saeid, Dai Saishuai, Zhao Guangwei,… Journal papers

Conference papers

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Abad Farhad, Lotfian Saeid, Dai Saishuai, Huang Yang, Xiao Qing, Idarraga Guillermo, Yang Liu, Brennan Feargal, ‘Bulge Test and Material Characterisation of Elastomers Used in the OWC Wave Energy Converter’, Tenth International Conference on Engineering Failure… Conference papers

Structured membranes

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We are proposing elastomeric structured membranes for wave energy converters, the material changes the mechanical response based on the amount of deformation produced by the wave conditions. The concept implements different types of patterns on… Structured membranes

Kickoff Meeting

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The kick off meeting will take place on the 12/11/2021